
1. “I’m not changing. This is who I am.”
更好的表达方式:“I need to think more about what you’re saying. I want to be open to feedback about myself, even when it’s hard to hear.”
2. “I don’t care how you feel.”
更好的表达方式:“I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling upset. How can I be helpful to you right now?”
3. “It’s your fault I’m feeling this way.”
更好的表达方式:“I’m feeling very emotional right now. My perception of the situation is that …”
4. “You’re just wrong.”
更好的表达方式:“I want to hear your perspective even when I don’t see things the way you do. Can you help me understand why you’re feeling this way?”
5. “Stop being crazy!”
更好的表达方式:“I understand you’re really struggling right now. Although I hear that you’re upset with me, I think that your reaction may have more to do with your past than it does with what I’m doing right now. Do you think that’s true?”
6. “I can’t forgive you.”
更好的表达方式:“I’m having a hard time forgiving you right now. But I’m actively working to let go of this resentment and anger, because I’d like us to be able to repair this and move forward.”
7. “Your feelings are irrational.”
更好的表达方式:“I hear that you have strong emotions right now, and they are valid. I don’t fully understand why you feel this way or agree with your perspective on this situation, but I want to. Can you tell me more?”